听歌学英语:一起来狂欢 Crash My Party(在线收听

crash my party来自于Luke Bryan。这首歌在一场颁奖典礼上的现场首秀后,就迅速飙升至美国iTunes下载榜亚军,目前已在Billboard乡村电台榜夺冠,成为Luke个人连续第四首的冠军歌曲。

Crash My Party闯入我的派对
[Luke Bryan]
Don’t matter what plans I’ve got, I can break ‘em
不管事先有什么计划 我能随时改变
Yeah I can turn this thing around at the next red light
没错 到下一个红灯我就能调转车头
And I don’t mind tellin’ all the guys I can’t meet ‘em
Hell, we can all go raise some hell on any other night
Girl I don’t care, oh I just gotta see what you’re wearin’
女孩 这些我都不在意 我只是想看看你今晚的打扮
Your hair, is it pulled up or fallin’ down
你的秀发 是盘起还是放下
Oh I just have to see it now ....
噢 我现在就想看到
If you wanna call me, call me, call me
You don’t have to worry ‘bout it baby
宝贝 你什么都不用担心
You can wake me up in the dead of the night
即使是深夜 你也能把我叫醒
Wreck my plans, baby that’s alright
宝贝 打乱我的计划也无所谓
This is a drop everything kinda thing
Swing on by, I’ll pour you a drink
你随时都能来 我会为你倒酒
The door’s unlocked, I’ll leave on the lights
大门为你敞开 我会为你留一盏灯
Baby you can crash my party anytime
宝贝 你随时都能闯入我的派对

Ain’t a spot downtown that’s rockin’ the way that you rock me
没有任何景点 能像你一样震撼我的心灵
Ain’t a bar that can make me buzz the way that you do
没有任何酒吧 能像你一样让我如此沉醉
I could be on the front row of the best show
And look down and see your face on my phone
And I’m gone, so long, hang on
我会立刻离开 回见 马上
I’ll meet you in a minute or two

歌词:Hell, we can all go raise some hell on any other night.
1. Raise表示“升起”或者“收集”,hell是“地狱”的意思,这两个词搭配起来叫做raise hell,地狱的集中地当然会让人感觉到乱子不断,raise hell就表示“闹事,闹乱子大发牢骚,搞破坏“等等。比如:
Mother will raise hell if you wake the baby.
2. Raise hell比较好一点的意思呢是指“狂欢”,毕业了,那是不是可以花一个晚上去玩个通宵呢?
We're going to raise hell tonight.
歌词:Your hair, is it pulled up or fallin’ down. Oh I just have to see it now.
1. 这里有两个描述头发状态的短语,分别是:盘起来-pull up;放下-fall down。
2. Pull up还可以表示“(使)停下”,比如:
I told the driver to pull up, and I got out.
3. Pull本身有 “拉”的意思,而up表示向上,那么pull up更直接的意思是“拉上,拔起”,比如:
Would you have the kindness to pull up the window?
4. Fall down指“跌倒;失败”。比如:
I heard someone fall down the stairway.

歌词:You can wake me up in the dead of the night. Wreck my plans, baby that’s alright.
1. In the dead of the night是一个很生动的表达,我们中文里有个短语叫做死一般的寂静, in the dead of the night意思差不多,我们可以说夜深人静或者万籁俱寂。比如:
One thing I can't stand was the neighbor's bog barking in the dead of the night.
2. Wreck可以做名词,也可以做动词。作为动词表示“使…失事;使…遇难”,那么遇难之后留下的“残骸”也叫做wreck。分别来举例:
The hurricane caused many wrecks.
The ship was wrecked on the rock.
3. Wreck在歌词中的意思是稍微深一点的含义,指“破坏”。

歌词:Swing on by, I’ll pour you a drink.
Swing作为动词和名词表示“摇摆,改变(想法)”等,还可以表示“秋千”。歌词中的短语swing by指拜访。
I'll swing by your house on the way home from work.
