美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-07-12(在线收听

 1. Israel launched a major military offensive against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, striking more than 100 sites and mobilizing troops for a possible ground invasion. Palestinian officials say 10 people were killed, 2 of them children.

2. The Defense in Oscar Pistorius’ trial has rested its case. The judge will hear final arguments in August. The Paralympics athlete is on trial in South Africa for killing his girlfriend. Pistorius says he mistakenly shot her thinking she was an intruder. Prosecutors say he shot her after an argument. 
3. City officials announced the next GOP presidential pick will officially accept the party’s nomination in Cleveland. The City won the backing of the Republican National Committee that will host the 2016 GOP Convention. But the choice must still be ratified. 
4. It’s whale of a job for the American museum of natural history in New York. The museum’s giant whale replica got its annual cleaning today. A worker carefully vacuumed dust from the model to help bring out its details.