美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-07-27(在线收听

 1. Ukraine held a departure ceremony for some of the bodies of victims of the Malaysia Airlines disaster. The ceremony was held in an airport in eastern Ukraine before the bodies were flown to Netherlands. 

2. Former New York mayor, Mike Bloomberg has joined Israel in calling for the Federal Aviation Administration to reverse its decision to permit US airlines to fly to Israel. Bloomberg took a Tuesday night flight to Tel Aviv on El Al Airlines. 
3. The Costa Concordia began its final voyage, destined for the Italian port of Genoa and the scrapyard. The journey to port is approximately 200 nautical miles, and is expected to take 5 days.
4. Georgia Republicans have their candidate that for the Senate seat being vacated by the retiring Saxby Chambliss. Businessman, David Purdue, won a runoff on Tuesday, topping long-time Congressman Jack Kingston. Purdue is a former corporate CEO, making his first bid for public office.