坦克世界杯 中国获季军俄罗斯夺冠(在线收听

   The 2014 World Tank Biathlon Championship ended in Russia on Saturday, with China taking bronze in the competition. Host Russia was crowned the winner while Armenia gained silver in the competition. The competition's winners will be rewarded with a Russian UAZ Patriot SUV each.

  2014坦克两项世界锦标赛周六在俄罗斯顺利闭幕,中国获得铜牌。东道主俄罗斯夺冠,亚美尼亚夺得亚军。三国将分别获得俄罗斯越野车UAZ Patriot一辆作为奖品。
  The competition, dubbed as the Tank Olympics, sees teams from 12 countries taking part in a racing and shooting contest, much like a standard Olympic biathlon competition.
  According to the rules, the tanks must negotiate a 20 kilometre course while facing various obstacles, including a slalom section, river shallows, a steep hill, a pontoon bridge and an escarpment, and shoot a set of targets along the way.
  The tanks have also been facing obstacles in the way of Russian aircraft and infantry combat vehicles.
  The twelve countries participating are Angola, Armenia, Belarus, China, India, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Russia, Serbia and Venezuela.
  According to organisers, NATO countries including United States, Italy and Germany and Ukraine were asked to compete in the championships but declined.
  All competitors are using the Russian T-72B tank apart from China, who have opted to use ZTZ-96s.
  When the tournament began last week, like most sporting tournaments, an opening ceremony was held, which saw the tanks fire coloured smoke as they 'waltzed' in an almost ballroom dancing formation.
  As the host nation, Russia also put on parade a series of historical tanks from World War Two as well as a missiles display.