访谈录 2014-04-07&04-09 碧昂丝全球巡演Mrs.Carter Show谢幕(在线收听

 L check now the morning. 

Ya, S Better
The sure even waiting for special happen
Yes, abosolutely, tells what happened. 
The Segaments that ? waiting, for pop news, this is all time day.
I fine corrector?
I risk to do it, to get it to do.
I'm even waiting for all morning.
B's fans, all of buzz with singing superstar breahing down into tears during final concert M world tour, she was performing a final show in P when she took a moment to thank her fans.
To T, I'm B
Sing Bingo on the Stadium giving B an ugly cry. But I don't think B capble of about going so bang, one thing B can do. 
I founding. One of Hollywood funest actor has kin up with world most lovable dog.Check out that R carrying a internet famous knight at e-bay Califonia, Boo captioned the photo. S cuddling like man. So cute that Seth's wife wear mila get in on snuggling action too. S even more struck,such stuck than do,even twitted after what can use,like I, man Boo,who is very excited.
? adorable that picture.
Realy, I have met Seth, I carry boo to town square, once it looks like, whole huge crowd people gather around,and they were not there to talk to me, Just a ?
Non when you're with boo. No.
And next stop, we want for a littleness yours, who need rumpus suit? when you can wear in accuracy ,not be new gown. Check it out the werido wearing trend on baby suiting.That's not suiting. it is, the genius idea of Mami Want Well.. dot com.
let's call  better    funny little one showing up on biz suit,AB Ancenit suit, and even Scornding suit,and totaly look like a scene from beetle juice.It does.?is cuter. Thanks wait here.this is look at I work, this suppose to be this guy. I am working. scary.
From these pranks to ridiculous, we all will rember the Block A family  photo.Well scene just get a whole of us, more offering, with M did it at California. carry ?. Yes, you least wondering photo are now art. The show ??and creators are hoping to taken on a tour around America beside I see with a shock exception.
Check out the next one.That looks,not very bad, Ya,very impossible.
Number women in central part.....
...water behind the palm tree.Ya see
Why you get on top? You hurt that bad.
We're bring that back.
C is backing in,  where on all parts at the same time.
OK ,excellent fashion item.
say hi this morning.... pop news, 
thank you, great second minute always, We will be right back.
More GNA, keep here.