英文流行歌曲:中英混血才女 KT Tunstall 新单(在线收听

中英混血才女 KT Tunstall 新单《Made Of Glass》!祖母是中国人、身上流有东方血液的KT Tunstall,出生于苏格兰古镇圣安德鲁St.Andrew。对于自己被领养的出身背景,KT Tunstall 的人生态度却依然很积极:“我很小的时候就常想像自己若被不同的人领养,便会有百万种不同生活方式的可能性,这样的出身背景平添了我无穷的想像力,也更增添我生活的神秘色彩。”KT!加油!


Fire me in an oven
Until I go hard enough
To deal with losing you
I'm tired of thinking of you
Each and every minute I see
Something I know that you'd love

We're all made of glass
All made of glass
Cheating ourselves to believe we'll be last
Like a fool, I thought it was true
I was holding your flowers
If only you knew

A diary fills it's pages
With one eye on the clock
How long?, how long?
Have we got
Until we're everything we ought to be-eeeeeeee
Terrified, while the picture of dignity
Come eat with me, at the table of this life

All made of glass
All made of glass
Yes, we're all made of glass
all made of glass
cheating ourselves to believe we'll be last
Like a fool, I thought it was true
I was holding your flowers
If only you knew
If only you knew
