财富精英励志演讲 第128期:未来的路(3)(在线收听

   And yet, in spite of that, artificial life support has been successful. Barely a year after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, financial markets have stabilized, stock markets have rebounded, and the economy is showing signs recovery. People want to return to business as usual and think of the Crash of 2008 as a bad dream.

  I regret to tell you that the recovery is liable to out of steam and may even be followed by a "double dip" although I am not sure whether it will be in 2010 or 2011.
  很遗憾地告诉大家,经济复苏的进程可能会减缓,甚至可能出现“再次衰退”,尽管我还不确定它会发生在2010年还是 2011 年。
  My views are far from unique but they are at variance with the prevailing mood. The longer the turnaround lasts the more people will come to believe in it, but in my judgment, the prevailing mood is far removed from reality. This is characteristic of far-from-equilibrium situations when perceptions tend to lag behind reality. To complicate matters, the lag works in both directions. Most people have not yet realized that this crisis is different from previous ones — that we are at the end of an era. Others including me failed to anticipate the extent of the rebound. The confusion is not confined to the financial sphere; it extends to the entire international arena.