美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-08-20(在线收听

 1. Attorney general Eric Holder has asked the Justice Department to arrange for a federal medical examiner to autopsy the body of Michael Brown, given what Holder says are the extraordinary circumstances of the case. Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old African American man was shot and killed by a white Ferguson Missouri police officer a week ago. 

2. Residents of Liberia say the response to the Ebola outbreak is too slow. They’re growing angry because the body of a dead man who may have had the gruesome disease was lying in the streets of the capital Monrovia for two days. 
3. Thousands of young Catholics welcomed pope Francis as he arrived Sunday to a 15th-century fortress in South Korea. He gave an open-air mass on the final day of the Asian Youth Day festival southwest of Seoul. 
4. And a nurse in Peru has turned her two-storey house into a sanctuary for old and sick cats. She’s treating 175 cats with ailments from leukemia to kidney failure to gallstones. 