澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2014-07-21(在线收听

 One of the black box flight recorders from Malaysia Airlines' flight MH17 has been found. The flight recorder was discovered in a field near the main crash site but exactly when isn't known. It's understood it's been taken to the regional capital Donetsk. Meanwhile local emergency services say 196 bodies have been recovered from the wreckage of the plane. More than 100 bodies are still unaccounted for. A local rebel leader said the bodies had been taken to a nearby town and being kept in refrigerated railway carriages.

There's no sign of a diplomatic solution in Gaza as crisis continues and the death toll mounts. Israel agreed to observe a 2-hour humanitarian ceasefire in the Gaza neighborhood. But the truce collapsed after just 40 minutes with the Israeli army accusing Hamas of opening fire. Palestinian authorities say more than 400 people have died since the operation began.
And US actor James Garner has died. Garner gained huge success in the long-running 1950s television series Maverick and The Rockford Files. He was 86.
Those are the latest headlines from ABC news.