澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2014-08-05(在线收听

 Ceremonies have been held across Europe to con-memorize 100 anniversary of the outbreak of world war one.More than 50 head had attended the moving ceremony held at the cemetery in M in B.where many British and Germany soldiers are buried.

100 years on,it is right we meet here,and around the world,to remember,a conflict that stretched in the western front,to the desert east,from the plains of P,from the frozen mountain of A.
Which prime minister K D here I and H have agreed to a new three day ceasefire in G, his the latest agreement was broke by Egypt,and it comes just hours after temporary xxx xxx to an end.This ceasefire is due to taken effect later today,and is the most promising development yet in the month long for conflict.
A plane carried the latest remains found in the image 17 crush in Ukraine has arrived in the M.The plan was also carrying DNA and passengers belongings found the same.Fires in the area has caused investigated as the Cxx showed their effort to search the crush site.
And in Victoria. A second liberal candidate has resigned  in controversy,just month before the state election.J was the standing B.G in November the election,but he quit after the merde that he posted numerous racists and sex of comments on Facebook.Just 4 days ago,another liberalism candidate A.L was forced to resign for twittering a  serious of a home fxxx comments.