澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2014-08-08(在线收听

 Leading the news Australian farmers victims the crisis of Ukraine. Russia has banned food import from west include Australia. inter-retaliation for sanctions of intervention  in Ukraine. now Russia imports 400 million dollar worth agriculture products  from Austrian each year.and the government is promising to help those farmers  sanction.Doctor says references by   minister linking abortion to  breast cancer are dangerous.senator channel 10 last night board discussing his involvement world congress family held this month.senator says he doesn't endorse the study he was simply referring  them. I think the study I think that back the 1950s, I think this is I link the abortion and the breast cancer 

The UN security council is  holding  a emergence meeting to address growing crisis in Iraq with tens and thousands  and other minorities are fleeing to.
Suni militants captured the largest  in the north of the country.has peal to world leader to in the crisis.and the three days cease fire in Gaza it is due to 8 late today peace talk between worry side continue in Egypt.Israel says it is  willing to stand the cease fire but Hamas reject to agree and in stead increasing aim blockade in Gaza
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