

N. Korean Defector Vows More Airborne Leafleting 脱北者誓言继续向朝鲜放飞气球传单


South Korea-based activists recently launched balloons loaded with propaganda leaflets over the country's heavily militarized northern land border, triggering a volley of gunfire between border security guards and forcing a bilateral relations dialog to the point of collapse.

首尔— 最近,在一些韩国活动人士向朝鲜放出携带传单的气球之后,韩国和朝鲜出现交火。平壤官员威胁将取消改善两国关系的会晤。 美国之音在首尔采访了发起气球活动的组织领导者。尽管金正恩政权发出威胁,甚至韩国领导人也要求停止放飞活动,但是这位组织者说,他们会继续努力把外部世界的消息带到朝鲜。

The airborne leafleting effort is nothing new. Lee Min-bok, a North Korean defector, and his group, the Campaign For Helping North Korea in Direct Way (sic), have used balloons to send printed messages, CDs and even little radios tuned for uncensored news and information, into the country since at least 2003.

 李民复(Lee Min-bok,音译)是一名逃离朝鲜的“脱北者”。他和他的组织“自由朝鲜运动联合”利用气球携带传单、光碟甚至小收音机把未经审查的新闻和信息传送给朝鲜民众。

“The balloon launch is a primitive humanitarian activity for human rights, which opens eyes, ears and mouths of North Korean people that have been closed by the North Korean regime,” said Lee, an evangelical Christian and former North Korean agricultural scientist.


He speaks from experience. Each year his group launches hundreds of the leaflet-packed, lightweight vessels into North Korea, where access to the Internet and international news media outlets is strictly controlled. While most of balloons go undetected, the gunfire resulting from this weekend's launch has increased diplomatic tensions less than a week after both countries had agreed to talks after a senior North Korean delegation made a surprise visit to South Korea for the Asian Games.


The planned negotiations raised hopes of at least temporarily improved relations between the neighbors, which are still technically at war following their 1950s conflict.

North Korean state television even broadcast threats of retaliatory military strikes and possible cancellation of recently scheduled high-level talks aimed at easing military tensions.



韩国统一部发言人林炳哲(Lim Byeong Cheol)说,依照法律他们不能阻止这些行动, 但他们将敦促活动人士有所节制。

"If [South Korea] truly hopes for resolution in relationship and high-level dialogue as well, they should respect us and have courtesy first," a recent KRT newscaster declared.

Military officials on both sides reportedly met to discuss Friday's incident, in which Pyongyang's military opened fire on the balloons. When some of the rounds fell on the southern side of the border, Seoul returned fire. No injuries or damage were reported on either side.


Lim Byeong-cheol, South Korea’s Unification Ministry spokesman, says while Seoul officials cannot ban the balloon launches, they will urge activists to practice restraint.

"The government has been calling on the groups to make careful and wise decisions on sending anti-North Korea leaflets due to concern for people's safety," he said.

While Lee says he understands the risks and concerns, he doesn't plan to stop.


“I don’t do this for political reason and this activity is justified in the spirit of the constitution," he said. "But the activity must be done more quietly.”


Lee downplays the likelihood of the balloon launches sparking a military conflict, but says he and other activists will continue to do it as wind conditions permit.

