英语听力:自然百科 虫虫兄弟—10(在线收听

This bee is carrying a deadly cargo, tiny parasitic mites called varroa. Even wings beating at 450 times a minute can't shake them off. The bee itself is in danger, and it's about to deliver a full cargo back to the hive along with the pollen. Back at the nest, the varroa will feed on the brood, destroying a future generation of bees. 

Up in the attic, some hard-core squatters have moved in. They are one of the least popular visitors to any house, anywhere, wasps. They built a home in a 
roof space, chewing wood and plant fibers to a pulp, and watering it down to with spit to make a paper fortress. Wasps drink water very frequently from drops on a leaky cistern to beads of salty sweat on human skin. And nobody wants a wasp on their skin. It's estimated that the worldwide up to 1600 people die a year due to wasp and bee stings. But the true is, wasps still deserve our gratitude. Most spend their lives hunting insects that kill crops. So at a global level, wasps play an important role, if only they could shake off the image problem. Down on the ground, one of the most low cloches in many houses is making a break for freedom.