英语听力:自然百科 古格:消失的西藏王朝—3(在线收听

 In its day, Guge was the Florence of the East. At the time when Genghis Khan's Mongols were advancing into central Asia and Europe, and the Crusades were being fought in Palestine, Guge was a flourishing centre of commerce, art, religion and political power. It dominated the strategic crossroads on the Silk Road between central Asia and China, a crossroads for the numerous caravans trading gold, silk, wool and spices. Guge was the centre of sophisticated art and ideas. a magnet for artisans and intellectuals. It was at the heart of a religious Renaissance and home to some of the greatest Buddhist thinkers of its time. Yet having prospered for seven centuries, this magnificent kingdom disappeared in 1630, leaving only an enigmatic structure, the very last remaining clue to a lost civilization. 

These are the first ever photographs of the Guge kingdom. They were captured in 1933 by an Italian explorer Giuseppe Tucci. Tucci was the first westerner to document these magnificent ruins. Tucci was awestruck by what lay before him, he wrote, "In front of us, the whole hillside is covered with tremendous ruins. A dead city, which seems to be keeping visual over a tormented waste of stone."
Tucci's visit to the ruins of Guge unearthed no clues to its demise.