英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁:珊瑚礁到雨林—23(在线收听

All of this food makes the mangrove a great place for fish. Small residents as well as youngsters that will one day move out to the barrier reef. Reef species like these rabbit fish may look big, but they are still only 1/3 of their adult size. These snappers also have some growing up to do before they leave. And these young trevally will grow up one day and be major predators on the outer reef. The mangrove sea grass meadows on the soft coral oases are vital nurseries for so many fish on the reef. And they all provide 2 things--food and shelter. 
The complexity of the mangrove root system makes it a perfect haven for small and juvenile fish, the reason is the lattice work of the roots as they cross means it’s very difficult for large predators to maneuver, and actually get at the smaller fish. 
But predators like these young black tip reef sharks hide here too. They hunt at the edge of the mangroves. But they can’t get deep into the tangle of roots. So the young fish are safe for now.
So it’s a great environment for the small fish to actually grow up and to get big and strong before they make their big move out to the open sea in the reef beyond.