英语听力:自然百科 啤酒是如何酿成的—2(在线收听

 Beer boasts a host of health benefits, like antioxidants that are good for your heart and a hot new way to combat stress, so wheather you like to drink beer or soak in it? There is no denial its strong appeal.

When somebody tells me that they don't like beer, i say i don't believe you, i can find a beer that you will like.
Simply put beer is a fermented hop-flavoured malt-sugared liquid, its popularity is due to many factors, beside taste, affordability and availability don't hurt.
There are over 3,000 breweries in Europe and another 1,400 breweries in the US alone, their sizes vary from small micro breweries that produce less than 15,000 barrels per year to the larger independent breweries known as craft breweries who make up to 2 million barrels, but you could say there are a couple of pints in a barrel compare to * the maker of Budwiser which sells yearly over 160 million barrels in the US, one thing does unite the majority of breweries no matter what size they are, and that's beer's ingredients, turns out the majority of beers are essentially comprised of only four.
Beer is only beer as defined by the federal government if it has four ingredients in it. 
And what are they? Barley or another fermentable starch source like wheat or rice, hops, flowers from a plant in the * family, yeast, a single cell fungus and water. The amount of ingredients added can vary from brewery to brewery, but this is the basic recipe at S Nevada craft brewery in California, for one barrel of their pale ale.