音乐咖啡厅:James Blunt - If Time Is All I Have(在线收听

英国的诗人 James Blunt 在5年前仅仅用了一张处男专辑,或者说是一首美丽的单曲将自己推向了世界。这次带他个人的第三张正是录音专辑《Some Kind of Trouble》花了3年的时间在磨合,而James Blunt也表示这段时间让他本人也感悟许多,对音乐的感悟,以及对生活的感悟。


Song:If Time Is All I Have
Artist:James Blunt

When you wake up
Turn the radio on
And you'll hear this simple song
That I made up
That I made up for you
When you're driving
Turn the radio up
Cause I can't sing loud enough
Hard these days
To get my message through
If time is all I have
I'll waste it all on you
Each day I'll turn it back
It's what the broken-hearted do
I'm tired of talking to an empty space
Of silences keeping me awake
When you marry
And you look around
I'll be somewhere in that crowd
Torn up' that it isn't me
When you're older
The memories fade
But I know I'll still feel the same
For as long as I live
But if time is all I have
I'll waste it all on you
Each day I'll turn it back
It's what the broken-hearted do
I'm tired of talking to an empty space
Of silences keeping me awake
Won't you say my name' one time
Please just say my name
But if time is all I have
I'll waste it all on you
Each day I'll turn it back
It's what the broken-hearted do
I'm tired of talking to an empty space
Of silences keeping me awake
If time is all I have
I'll waste it all on you
Each day I'll turn it back
It's what the broken-hearted do
I'm tired of talking to an empty space
Of silences keeping me awake
Won't you say my name
When the song is over
