英语听力:探索发现 科学新发现:我们的大气层-15(在线收听

  But to fully forecast the floods, he needs a lot more atmospheric data. He believed  robotic drone aircrafts  developed for the military could continue to measure the air over the oceans, charting its temperature, wind and humidity. And the flight could also track how the rivers are changing.

  We're starting to see the evidence that the more intense atmopheric rivers might become more frequent in certain parts of the world and that would contribute to increasing the frequency of flooding.
  The changes Ralph identified are part of a wholesale shift in our climate and atmosphere. Deserts are expanding while rain forests are drying out. All due to a  change in the chemical makeup of the air. This blend has always been in flux. We  alter  the proportion with each breath we take. But our factories and homes, planes and cars amplify the process. For over two centuries we have been dramatically increasing the amout of the warming carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. So far, the planet's natural air filters have pulled nearly fifty-five percent of it out of the air.
  The North Atlantic has absorbed a tremendous amount of carbon dioxide, but at the moment it's completely saturated by carbon dioxide, so it's not absorbing very much more. It's almost like a bottle of some kind of soda pop, it review warmer up a little bit and it actually feels and releases co2.
  As these safety belts close, we'll facing an even more dramatic rise in temperatures