
Anchor: Now we want to bring you the hot business news of the morning. It's the equivalent of, of a 7.5 earthquake on the Richter scale in the business world, because this morning, Google, the Internet giant, is going to make a major announcement that could change everyone's life. They are officially going to challenge rivals Microsoft and Apple for the primary place in your home and your life. And here is how they are going to do it, from ABC's Dan Harris.

Dan Harris: Eight years ago, Google was a scrappy start-up. Now it's becoming the King Kong of technology. The company's already infiltrated our language, to google someone means to search for information on them. Google is a search engine and also a place to shop, check email, and get maps so accurate that some countries say they threaten national security. Today, Google unveils two new initiatives in its quest for world domination.

Dan Harris: First, Google will now sell video online. Customers will be able to buy CBS TV shows and NBA basketball games, and play them right on their computer. Second, the Google Pack, a bunch of software programs downloadable all at once, including a video player, instant messenger and an antivirus program. The Google Pack takes on software giant Microsoft; the video service takes on Apple and its video iPod.

Peter Sealey: Anything to do with the attention, the eyeballs and the eardrums of the consumer, Google wants to dominate that space, anyway they can.

Dan Harris: There is rampant speculation that Google is working on a device which some call the Cube, to link your computer, stereo, TV, even home climate control.

Xeni Jardin (Wired Magazine) : The big news here is about Google making new steps towards controlling the desktop.

Dan Harris: Google is keeping a tight lid on its plans, but the online community is buzzing. If you want information, just google "google". For Good Morning America, Dan Harris, ABC News, New York.

Anchor: And the battle of the gladiators is officially under way later today.

take on: to compete against someone or start a fight with someone, especially someone bigger or better than you
keep a lid on: to control a situation very carefully, especially so that it does not cause problems.
