美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-10-28(在线收听

 1. Canada’s Prime Minister says Wednesday’s shooting inside Parliament and the fatal shooting of a soldier at a war memorial nearby are an act of terrorism. The gunman, 32-year-old Michael Zehaf Bibeau was shot and killed inside parliament by a sergeant at arms. 

2. President Barack Obama says he is more optimistic about the Ebola situation in the US. Now that two Dallas nurses diagnosed with the disease are doing better.
3. The University of North Carolina is cracking down on 9 employees after an investigation found thousands of students, nearly half of the athletes, took classes they didn’t have to show up for, and received inflated grades for research papers.
4. More than 500 clowns from across Latin American staged a laughter session in Mexico City to promote world peace. They tried to set a record by laughing nonstop for 15 minutes. But the laugh stopped, coming a little short of that.