Bill Gates 彪炳史册(在线收听

Bill Gates has made many contributions ...ur... throughout the last 25 or 30 years, most of all, of course, the Windows Operating System, which more than 90% of all computers in the world use today. He was a very shrewd, ur, business person at a, at an early age, almost as a teenager in fact, and he was one of the few people who could see a hobbyist market, that is, a bunch of nerds sort of playing with computers and chips in your basements and how that could become a potential business.

And one of the interesting things that Microsoft under Bill Gates' leadership, was able to do, is in fact...ur.. take on some of the biggest computer companies, basically IBM...ur.. at.. you know, at a very early stage when IBM wasn't quite sure if the microcomputer was a toy or a potential business tool and Gates had faith that it was a business tool ,he could see ahead, he has always been a, a fairly strategic thinker and uh...that in turn...let him in fact, you know, dominate the computer industry that IBM would still like to be able to do.

Will Microsoft innovate ? ------ That's a question that I usually answer by saying, I'm a historian so I live in the past and there are lots of people who are, sort of more expert in predicting the future, so I think I'll just leave it, leave it at that.


shrewd : adj. 精明的
hobbyist : n. 沉溺于某种癖好者,嗜某爱好成癖的人
nerd : n. 令人讨厌的人,无足轻重的人
