
Destination: JAPAN!

Have you ever thought about going to Japan? There are many places in Japan worth visiting, but if you only have a little time, you absolutely cannot miss visiting Tokyo. This city is the country's capital and the center of everything that happens in Japan.

When in Tokyo, be sure to check out Harajuku during the day. Many fashionable young people go there to shop, be seen, or just hang out. In the evening, walk over to Shibuya, another district popular with young people. Shibuya is so full of bright lights and huge TV screens that it is almost as bright at night as it is at noon.

Other places to go are the Ginza, the famous shopping district, and Shinjuku, home of the busiest
train station in the world. If you are more interested  in history, you can go to Kamakura, one of the old shogunate capitals, which is only an hour away from Tokyo by train.

Tokyo is the present capital of Japan, but for centuries the capital was Kyoto. Still the cultural center of Japan, Kyoto is an absolute must-see. The city is filled with traditional wooden buildings, temples, shrines, and castles, some of  which are over 1,000 years old. Kyoto can be reached from Tokyo by bullet train. Riding the bullet train is an interesting experience in and of itself. 

Some prime destinations in Kyoto are Kiyomizu-dera, an exquisite Buddhist temple, and Nijojo, one of the few large castles in Japan that was not destroyed during World War II. However, the greatest thing about Kyoto and the surrounding Kansai region is the people. They are very friendly, and enjoy a more relaxed pace of life than people in Tokyo.

If you have some extra time, you might take a side trip to Nara, which was the capital before Kyoto. Nara houses one of the largest bronze Buddha statues in the world. Also interesting is Osaka, the biggest city in Kansai, known for its fun-loving, boisterous people.







