
Let's return to Hollywood's latest expensive messy divorce between Paramount and Tom Cruise, the latest poll figures show the studio isn't the only one who soured on the megastar. The percentage of people who have an unfavorable view of Tom Cruise went up 20 points over the past year from 31 to 51 percent and those who disapprove of him the most are, get this, the women.

From that "Risky Business" slide, (Let's go), to that "Top Gun" volleyball game, there is one thing Hollywood moguls could always count on.

You had me at hello.

Women love Tom Cruise, but after jumping the couch (Magazine, yes) and questioning the treatment methods for postpartum depression, (It's not a cure), is Cruise's female fan base starting to waver? (I want the truth).

When I say Tom Cruise, you think?



We assembled an unscientific panel of five New York women to get their take on Tom Cruise.

Have any of you changed your opinion of him over the last year?



Because all of a sudden he became a lunatic, I mean, you know, when he was jumping around on that couch on Oprah, you know, we came...went from a heartthrob to someone you're like " are you Ok?"

If you love someone, that's great, but you're, why, why do we have to know about everything?

It just really upset me when he came out, um, about the postpartum depression. I think it's really irresponsible of him to, as a public figure to go out and say that women shouldn't get the help that they need.

It's a change in public perception that has magazine editors scrambling.

I don't think I'll put Tom Cruise on the cover by himself, honestly. I think women just don't relate to him any more. And I think they only relate to him in terms of his relationship with Katie.

On Tuesday, Paramount Pictures announced they were parting ways with Cruise, ending their 14-year relationship. But Cruise is hardly down for the count.

I don't think we have to worry about Tom Cruise's media fortunes. I mean he remains one of the top stars on worldwide basis.

In his 25-year career, Cruise's films have grossed over 6 billion dollars worldwide (Show me the money) and netted him three Academy Award nominations.

I think he has some really great stuff under his belt, whether it's a romantic comedy or a film like Rain Man, or, you know that, he's got a great range.

I will still see a good Tom Cruise movie.

I will never count Tom out 'coz I think he is, definitely has a potential to be a comeback kid, but he's got a long road ahead of him for sure.

sour on :if a relationship or situation sours or something sours it, it stops being successful or satisfactory 讨厌
megastar:informal a very successful and famous actor or musician 演艺巨星
mogul:an important and powerful person in a particular activity or industry 显要人物
postpartum depression:medical a mental illness caused by having or seeing a very frightening experience, for example fighting in a war 产后忧郁症
lunatic:someone who behaves in an extreme or dangerous way 精神错乱,行为古怪的人
heartthrob:informal a man who is very attractive to women, especially a young movie actor or pop singer 有吸引力的男人
