
It is Labor Day, of course, a time to salute the American worker. But there is new information suggesting it's tougher than ever to be in the American workforce. A big new government report found that American paychecks are not keeping pace with inflation. So where are the good jobs? We asked ABC's Dan Harris to look for them.

At the top of the class, and by that we mean 'upper class', doctors, medical professionals ranging from surgeons to obstetricians, to orthodontists, make up ten of the top eleven highest-paid professions in the country. Chief executive officers come in at No. 10, earning an average of $142, 000 a year.

As for blue-collar workers, Forbes magazine reports that subway conductors and flight attendants make the most, on average more than $62, 000 a year.

According to new census data, the gap between rich and poor Americans is now at an all-time high, with the top 1/5 of American households claiming more than half of all the nation's income. What's more, a new report released just this weekend, indicates about 30% of households have a net worth of less than $10, 000. The bottom line for Americans seeking to reach the same standard of living as their parents? Avoid the plastic and save wherever possible.

It's very difficult to save a life, but a few dollars and as that saving nest egg begins to build, you'll see it, you, er, you'll wanna contribute more.

Now, all of this is not to say that you have to become a CEO to live in comfort. Economists note there is still room at the top for stargazers. It turns out astronomers make big bucks as some of the nation's highest-paid professionals.

From Good Morning America, Dan Harris, ABC news.
obstetrician:a doctor whose job is to check the health of a woman who is pregnant and help with the birth of her child 产科医师
orthodontist:a dentist whose job is to make teeth straight 正牙医生
nest egg:an amount of money saved over a long period to use in the future 为养老,应变等用的储蓄
stargazer:someone who studies the stars 占星师
