美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-11-01(在线收听

 1. A Dallas nurse who tested positive for Ebola has officially been cleared the deadly disease. Amber Vinson left Emory University Hospital following treatment for Ebola after caring for one of the 1st patients diagnosed in the US. Vinson was given a send-off at the hospital by her doctors and caregivers at Emory 

2. Canadian shooting victim, Corporal Nathan Cirillo was laid to rest on Ontario. Cirillo was killed during a shooting rampage last week at Canada’s House Parliament. Canadians lined the streets and applauded as the procession of soldiers carried Cirillo’s coffin.
3. Residents on the big island of Hawaii are preparing for a slow motion disaster, as lava flows continue to surge. Officials are making arrangement for those living in the lava’s path to be able to watch the destructions as a means of closure. Homeowners continued to evacuate as lava seeps into residential communities. 
4. And pet owners are going wild for Halloween costumes this year. The National Retail Federation says Americans will spend 350 million dollars on their pets this holiday, proving dressing up can be a treat for even the furriest critters.