
   All right. Thank you. I've got about apparently 5 or 6 minutes

  谢谢大家 我有大概五六分钟时间
  to say the most useful things I can think. I'm going to do my best
  讲我认为最有用的东西 我会尽我所能
  And it was suggested that I distill things down to 3 items
  I think I'll go with 4
  我想 我会讲四点
  and I'll try to, I think these are pretty important ones
  So I'm going to make it sound like well you've heard of it before
  but it's worth reemphasizing
  The first is you need to work, if you, depending on how well you want to do
  首先 你需要超级努力地工作
  particularly if you're starting a company, you need to work super hard
  So what does super hard mean?
  Well, when my brother and I was starting up our first company
  instead of getting an apartment, we just rented a small office
  我们租不起公寓 只租了一间小办公室
  and we slept on the couch
  and we showed at the YMCA
  We're so hard up. We had just one computer
  我们很拮据 只买得起一台电脑
  The website was up during the day, and I was coding at night
  网站在白天运行 而我在晚上写代码
  seven days a week, all the time
  一周七天 没有间歇
  And I briefly had a girlfriend at that period
  这期间 我短暂交过一位女友
  and in order to be with me, she had to sleep in the office
  为了和我一起 她不得不也睡办公室
  So I work hard like at every waking hour
  我工作努力到 醒着的时间都用于工作
  that's the thing I would say particularly if you are starting a company
  特别是对于要开公司的人 这就是我的建议
  And if you do simple math, say like
  if somebody else is working 50 hours, and you're working 100
  如果别人工作50小时 而你工作100小时
  you'll get twice as much done in the course of a year as the other company
  The other thing I'll say is that
  if you're creating a company or if you're joining a company
  如果你要创立公司 或是加入一家公司
  the most important thing is to attract great people
  So either join a group that's amazing that you respect or
  加入团队的话 你要加入让你尊敬的美妙团队
  if you're building a company, you've got to gather great people
  创建公司的话 你要聚集一群很棒的人
  I mean, all the company is is a group of people
  要知道 公司就是一群人
  that are gathered together to create a product or service
  And so depending upon how talented and hard-working that group is
  这群人本领越大 工作越勤劳
  and the degree to which they are focused cohesively in a good direction
  凝聚力越强 目标越明确
  that will determine the success of the company
  Do everything you can to gather great people if you're creating a company
  如果你要创立公司 你需要尽一切可能网罗最优秀的人
  Then to focus on signal over noise
  下面一点是 撇除噪音 专注于信号
  A lot of companies get confused
  They spend money on things that don't actually make the product better