英文影视歌曲:Snoop Dogg为《真爱如血》创作单曲Oh Sookie(在线收听

该剧讲述的是在美国路易斯安那州的一个小镇上,随着科技的发展,吸血鬼们已可不以吸食人类的鲜血为生,而用日本产的人造血代替。吸血鬼们终于可以爬出赖以藏身的棺材,走进人类的圈子,首次迎来和平共处的时代。小镇里,一位具有读心术的年轻女招待,爱上了一位英俊神秘的吸血鬼,从此卷入一系列凶杀案 。

Artist:Snoop Dogg
Song:Oh Sookie

Intro (Countrystyle):
I wanna do bad thing with you
I wanna do bad thing with you
I wanna do bad thing with you

Verse 1
whats up sookie
it's Snoop Dogg
I am only [...]for a date
come close baby
i am a Doggy don't bit
wuff wuff

Oh sookie
Let me get in your head
Oh sookie
we can leg in the bed
oh sookie
choose a player like me, do it in the daytime with the D-O-GG
Oh sookie
Can i take you over here
Oh sookie
You ever been in L.A.
Oh sookie
Come on play on my team, we will do it in the daytime [...]
Oh sookie

Verse 2:
Take this marry jay cookie and raw with the Dogg, empires can't hook me
You are a band tan
You need a ban pill
oh real done
one, you might get ripped
yellow cars thinks fly
so hap in my jeep
[..] you might get wicked
choose bigger lose big i am on wall with spice
[...] and you say more blunts

Oh sookie
Let me get in your head
Oh sookie
we can leg in the bed
oh sookie
choose a player like me, do it in the daytime with the D-O-GG
Oh sookie
Can i take you over here
Oh sookie
You ever been in L.A.
Oh sookie
Come on play on my team, we will do it in the daytime [...]
Oh sookie

Verse 3
Leave a stain on your brain
can a Dogg fall in love
and make your drink good
Stookie straight out

Oh sookie
Let me get in your head
Oh sookie
we can leg in the bed
oh sookie
choose a player like me, do it in the daytime with the D-O-GG
Oh sookie
Can i take you over here
Oh sookie
You ever been in L.A.
Oh sookie
Come on play on my team, we will do it in the daytime [...]
Oh sookie
