高一上朗读unit 11(在线收听

  unit11 the sounds of the world
  JOE: hi Susan! Can you help me decide what to buy for Peter's birthday?
  SUSAN: Sure. What do you have in mind?
  JOE: Well, Peter loves music, so I thought I would give him a CD
  SUSAN: That's a gurat idea! what kind of music does he like?
  JOE: I'm not sure. Oh yes, he likes rock music.
  SUSAN: Rock music? Hm, maybe you could give hum the new Ricky MartinCD.
  JOE: Ricky Martin? That's not rock music, Ptere wouldn't like that.
  SUSAN: How about a Rolling Stones CD?
  JOE: Yes, that's a goof suggestion. He loves the Rolling Stones.
  There is a world of music out there! What wo hear on the dadio or see on TV is only a small part of all the wonderful music that is watiing for us. MOst of us probably like pop music and have our favourite performers, stars or bands , but many of us also want to discover new sounds and rhythms, here is a brief look at some of the exciting musical styles from around the world.
  Blues mucis has a long history. THe blues is a way for people to show who they are and what is in their heart. Prople have been playing bthe blues for many years, but the music has kept many of its characteristics. The blues comes from African songs that people uesd to sing when they worked and during festivals. The African songs met American music when African slaves were brought to the US. the blues has been part of African-American culture since then, and it is still an important part of American culture. Other musical styles ,like jazz and rock music. have all come from blues music.
  Today's American culture cintains many different music styles. People still listen to blues and rock, but they also listen to hip-hop and rap. Hip-hop and rap have much in common ith blues and rock, but they also have their own characteristice. Hip-hop music often combines parts of other styles to create music that will help people hear new things in old music, Perhaps the most important characteristic of rap music is the way the artists sing. IN rap music, the singer or"rapper" will speak or "rap " the words along with the beat.
  Another important styl in today's world of music is latin music. latin music--mucis that uses traditional styles from latin america- has spread all over the wordl, in the us, where there are many spanish-speaking people, latin music is a big part of the culture, it has always been popular in spanish-spraking countries and today stars like antana and ricky martin are knowan throughout the world
  there are of course many tther interestin sryles of music. there is a wide variety of new music to be discovered in wverycorner of the world, sothe next time you look for a tape or a cd, dont't just look for chinese or maeianc music ----open you ears to the sounds of the world!!!
