CNN Marketplace 2006-02-07(在线收听

Michelle Wright: President Bush submitted his budget to lawmakers today. And according to White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan, the plan focuses on(of) the most important national priorities.

Scott McClellan: "From winning the war on terrorism to strengthening our homeland defenses, (ur), to helping the people of the Gulf Coast (ur) recover and rebuild their lives and their communities as well as funding important domestic priorities to reduce health care cost and reduce our dependence on (ur) foreign sources of energy. "

Michelle Wright: McClellan says that nearly 2.8 trillion-dollar plan also calls for making the president's proposed tax cuts permanent. New Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke says he'll do his best to carry out the Central Bank's mission, now that he's been sworn in as its head.

Ben Bernanke: "Our mission , as set forth by the Congress, is a critical one: to preserve price stability, to foster maximum sustainable growth in output and employment and to promote a stable and efficient financial system that serves all Americans well and fairly. "

Michelle Wright: President Bush says Bernanke will make a superb chairman.

Michelle Wright: Wendy's is revamping its menu as it looks to attract younger people. The fast food chains and restaurants will start offering breakfast as well as new sandwiches, salads, and banana frosties.

Michelle Wright: A few Internet companies say they may soon begin to charge businesses to send commercial emails to their members.
Jean King: Two (of) the world's biggest email account providers, Yahoo and AOL plan to introduce a service that will charge senders a fee to write the email directly to users' mailbox without first passing through junk mail filters. The fees are ranged from a quarter cent to one cent per email. That's the latest tip by the companies to weed out unwanted emails.
CNN's Jean King.

Michelle Wright:And it's now a bit harder to get a job via the Internet. New federal guidelines meant to standardize how employees track data on their diversity of their job applicant pools are taking effect for jobs at Federal Contractors today. Similar rules will kick in later on this year at US companies with more than 50 employees.

With CNN Radio Marketplace. I'm Michelle Wright.
