听歌学英语:只因爱你 Because I Love You(在线收听

Because I Love You,这首歌是英国老牌歌手Shakin Stevens最广为人知的一首作品。其诚恳动情的演绎打动了无数乐迷的心。

If I got down on my knees and I pleaded with you如果我跪下,如果我恳求
If I crossed a million oceans just to be with you如果我跨洲越洋,只为和你相依
Would you ever let me down你忍心拒绝我吗

If I climbed the highest mountain just to hold you tight如果我登翻山越岭,仅为与你紧紧相拥
If I said that I would love you every single night如果我承诺爱你每分每秒
Would you ever let me down你忍心拒绝我吗

Well I'm sorry if it sounds kinda sad很抱歉这听上去有点忧伤,
It's just that I'm worried但这只是因为我很担心担心
so worried that you let me down担心你会拒绝我
Because I love you, love you, love you
so don't let me down因为我爱你,爱你,爱你,所以恳请你不要拒绝我

If I swam the longest river just to call your name如果我游过最长的河流只是为了呼唤你的名字
If I said the way I feel for you would never change如果说,我对你的感受永不会改变
Would you ever fool around你还会不当真吗?
Well I'm sorry if it sounds kinda bad 我很抱歉听上去不是甜言蜜语,
just that I'm worried可这是因为我在担心
I'm so worried that you let me down我如此担心你会拒绝我

Because I love you love you Love you因为我爱你爱你爱你
Well I'm sorry if it sounds kinda bad 我很抱歉听上去不是甜言蜜语,
just that I'm worried可这是因为我在担心
I'm so worried that you let me down我如此担心你会拒绝我
Because i love you,love you因为我爱你,爱你
I love you love you love you我爱你,爱你,爱你

If you were alone and had only a few minutes to hide from crooks who were about to break into your house, where would you hide?假如你一个人在家时有匪徒正要闯入你家,你只有几分钟来躲起来的话你会躲在什么地方呢?

The raise you want is a bit iffy.你想要加薪的事儿有点儿玄了。
That engine sounds a little iffy to me.我觉得引擎的声音听起来好像有问题。

If I got down on my knees and I pleaded with you
knee-high:adj. 高及膝盖的;有膝盖高的;
knee-high socks:及膝长筒袜
on one's knees:跪下;苦苦请求
Get down on your knees!老实点!跪下!
He had a good lawyer to plead his case. 他请了一位出色的律师为自己的案子辩护
Plead with:向…恳求
She pleaded with her husband not to forsake her.她乞求丈夫不要抛弃她。

If I crossed a million oceans just to be with you
cross:v 穿越;横过;越过;交叉
Please cross those people off the name list if they are unable to come.请把那些没法到场的人的名字从名单中划掉。
Don't get cross with me, it wasn't my fault.不要对我生气,那不是我的错。
cross leg:跷二郎腿
It is inappropriate for a woman to sit with legs crossed and smoke in public.女性在公共场所XXX和吸烟是非常不雅的。(正解,跷二郎腿)
fingers crossed:祈愿;祝好运
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. 我会一直为你加油的!
祝你好运:Good luck to sb; Good luck with something; Break a leg!

If I climbed the highest mountain just to hold you tight
tight:adj 紧身的;紧密的;密封的
a tight corner:困境;走投无路的境况;危局;
With no money and nowhere to sleep he found himself in a bit of a tight corner.身无分文加上没有栖身之处,他发觉自己有点陷入困境了。
I can't imagine going out with someone who's always uptight and proper, let alone live with them for the rest of my life!我无法想象与一个总是中规中矩的人恋爱约会,更别提跟他们过一辈子了。
He gets all uptight if anyone criticizes him!一旦有人说他的不是,他就会火冒三丈!
