美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-12-16(在线收听

 1. Tonight, both Democrats and Republicans will have the opportunity to show America whether they stand with the President who was defying the will of the voters or with the millions of the Americans who want a safe and legal immigration system. This point of order it targeted, not to the entire omnibus, but specifically to DHS funding that the President has announced will be spent unconstitutionally. 

2. The junior Senator from Texas raised the point of order attacking the pending legislation on the grounds that the President has activated unconstitutionally. And junior Senator from Texas is wrong, wrong, wrong on several counts. But most importantly for us, this evening is an attack on this bill because it is not an appropriate place to debate the constitutionality and any executive branch action.
3. On the motion to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment H.R 83, the yeas have 56, the nays have 40. The motion to concur has passed.