美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-12-21(在线收听

 President Barack Obama has condemned the attack on a military-run school in Peshawar, Pakistan, saying it shows the depravity of the terrorists. Taliban gunmen stormed the school on Tuesday, killing more than 100 children.

The manhunt is over for the marine veteran suspected of killing his ex-wife and five of her relatives in suburban Philadelphia. Authorities say the body of Bradley William Stone was found in a wooded area near his home.
A new government survey shows electronic cigarettes have surpassed traditional smoking in popularity among teens. The battery-powered devices produce a vapor that’s infused with nicotine.
Former Florida governor Jeb Bush has told his Facebook followers that he will ‘actively explore’ the possibility of running for President, his most definitive step yet toward a Republican bid for the White House in 2016.
Hannah Buchdahl, the AssociatedPress with AP News Minute.