美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-11-17(在线收听

 1. The senate elects its leaders for the incoming 114th congress. Kentucky’s Republican Mitch McConnell will again represent his party, this time as the majority leader, * title with Nevada Democrat Harry Reid who will serve as minority leader following the GOP's success in mid-term election.

2. In Iraq, the flag of Iraqi Christian minority party now flies over a town once held by Islamic militants. Bakufa was recaptured by Kurdish peshmerga fighters. Now a newly-formed Christian militia patrols the town, hoping they can keep it safe enough for residents to return.
3. Window repairs are underway at one World Trade center. It comes a day after firefighters used diamond cutter to saw through window, rescuing window washers who were strapped at 68 floors above street level.
4. This baby orangutan appears to be bonding well with its surrogate mom. According to officials at Chicago Brookfield Zoo, this ten-month old is being care for by a 53 year-old orangutan named Maggie.