
Host: Well it all started in June with those ten remarkable toes, and for the last several months, Esquire Magazine has been taunting its readers by making them guess this year's sexiest woman alive with these tantalizing photos. And making a splash on the cover of Esquire magazine's "Women We Love" issue, is this year's sexiest woman alive: Jessica Biel.

Host: David Granger is editor- in- chief of Esquire, David, good morning.

David Granger: How are you doing, dude.

Host: So what are you looking for? What's the standard of sexiness and why does she fit?

David Granger: Standard of sexiness--that's nearly an impossible question. I mean Every man has to make up his own,his own mind. But, really, I just sort of asking the guys on my staff, we started doing a little bit on-line surveying of our readers and apparently, this woman, Jessica Biel has made quite an impression, I mean, she is, you know starring when she was about thirteen, I believe. (Right.) But I wasn't really aware of how large influence that television show is, she is on the WB was Seventh Heaven. (Right!) There're apperantly in it imprint on young men all over America. (So what is it about her?) what is it about her?(Yeah.) Well I think physically she is extraordinary, she is not one of those stick figures,she is actually looks like an American woman. I think there is also the sense of, like discovery ,she is young ,she is on the virgin and she is about to become a major star.

Host: We talked about the women we love in the magazine,(Yeah, we always want to.)and they span all ages.(yeah) Women of ages in thier thirties.You chose Li Gong ,is that you pronounce her names?

David Granger: Exactly!

Host: Uh...most viwers may not know her, tell us a little bit about her.

David Granger:Well ,she she is another person that will be seen a lot of ,she is a chinese actress ,it is very important I think to sort of cross that cultural bridge with China these days, but she is gonna be starring in Miami Vice she is in 'Memoirs of a Geisha' this fall. She is just an extrordinary beautiful talented chinese actress.

Host: Women in their forties,and this is an extrodinary photo of one Sharn Stone,we put it on the screen,I mean this, this defies,right?

David Granger:I have to take full responsibility for that choice, but I mean Sharn is a woman who absolutly defies age ,and she is also amazing in Broken Flowers as her scenes with Bill Murray were the best scenes in the movie.

Host: Ohen, ohen. And somebody's photos are terrific, (I don't know.), she was, as a young nude..

David Granger: She work, she worked hard in these photoes, you know, she is,she is a toal professional .

Host: Now women in their fifties and Rene Russo wins hands down ,why?

David Granger: Well ,there just wasn't a second choice. I mean you see Rene who is 51 and she looks even more beautiful than when she was modeling in her twenties, and she is an extrordinary actress, and you know, she was, she was our choice.

Host: You're talking about working hard on these photoes,I mean these are both ,(yeah)you know,creative and also very sexy photoes, right?

David Granger: Yeah ,well I think ,you know ,well Esquire's always trying to find interesting creative ways to ,entertaining ways to cover women. And yeah ,I think what we try to do was to respect. We try to do a lot of fun too.

Host: You, there are some international women, this's for international editions, as you look at the sexist women around the world .

David Granger: Well, in honor of the names in such a human life we went to all of our international editions. It's fouteen and I think elven of them participated and then we let them, their staff, their readerships,pick the most appealing woman in each of their countries.

Host: So let's focus on two, the first one is, how again, how would you name here? this is zheng.. zhangzizzyi, ziyi ,right?

David Granger: Another chinese actress ,who the readers of Chinese Esquire picked overwhelmingly. She was in 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon', she is an amazing talent ,and she also, she'll be starring on 'Memoirs...Memoirs of a Geisha.' . She is just an amazing young actress.

Host: Also Sienna Miller .

David Granger: Well,how interesting. Our colleagues in England, were what kind of surprise by the overwhelming vote in favour of Sienna Miller, and they figured it was a total sympathy vote after the way Jude Law treated her and kind of stepped out on her. So, but it was a overwheming first choice.

Host: And who is the sexiest inside this whole group to you ?

David Granger: To me well ,I mean Jessicaon is on our cover, (Right.) but I would say that over the long haul that's been Sharon Stone.

Host: Really?

David Granger: Yeah.

Host: Through the ages of the group? Do you ever get any flag for objectifying women ,with issues like this?

David Granger: You know I mean, Esquire has a 72 years history of loving women and I think that is the key word. It is like we appreciate them. We try to treat them as a set of respect, and a little bit humour, and we don't...don't really get too much flag.

Host: Alright. David Granger ,thanks very much from the Esquire magazine ,(Thank you, dude) interesting selfterrific issue. Make for a good reading. Esquire magzine's "women we love" issue hits newsstands next week with Jessica Biel right there on the cover.
