
KING: "The Donald v. Martha," "It's War." And then we have another instance if I could find the page, "Donald and Martha at war." OK, what's going on?

TRUMP: Well, look, first of all I like Martha and I know you like her. You've been -- I've watched her on your show many times and she's terrific. But, you know, NBC did something because of the success and the tremendous ratings of "The Apprentice" they said, you know, let's do a second one. We'll put Martha on and it sounded like a good idea. As you know, I was never in favor of it. I never liked the idea.

KING: I thought you were? You did promo shots with her.

TRUMP: No, I promoted it. I helped her but I was never -- I never liked it, you know, selfishly I never liked it because frankly I thought it was going to work and I didn't, you know...

KING: So the promos...

TRUMP: I'm not sure if I -- I'm not sure if I wanted it to work, OK.

KING: The promos weren't in your heart?

TRUMP: No, probably not in my heart. I thought that it was a mistake putting it on. I thought it caused confusion and lots of other things and it did. The fact is we ended up, as you see we ended up finishing number two for the week in my "Apprentice," but it took a little while to get there because there was such confusion. People didn't know what to...

KING: Because the first week was bad right?

TRUMP: Yes, people didn't know what to think. They didn't know which show to watch. They didn't know what was going on. It didn't work. Martha frankly didn't do well in "The Apprentice" and she sort of took shots at Mark Burnett and myself and tried to blame us. I said, "What did we have to do with it? I mean you have a show. It didn't have the temperament. It didn't have the mood." And she tried. It didn't work. And, I heard this three or four times and then finally I jotted down a little letter and sadly the letter got picked up by the press and it became like this national/international crazy deal and people are still talking about it. But I like Martha. You know I like Martha. Martha used to like me, probably doesn't anymore but that's OK, you know. I've had worse things. KING: True or false, she says that you said you were passing the mantle to her.

TRUMP: Yes, well that's false. Look, I had the number one show on television, Larry. That's like saying to Jennifer Aniston at the height of "Friends," listen you're going to get off. We're going to replace you. In all fairness why would NBC or Mark Burnett or anybody say, "OK, you have the number one show," as you know the number one show in television, why would we get off that show and somebody else would come on and take my place? Now, what did take place is let's do a second version and that's fine. Unfortunately the second version wasn't popular. I was surprised by it. I never liked the idea of it but I did think it was going to be successful. I was surprised by how badly it did. I think you were surprised by how badly it did.

KING: Why didn't it work?

TRUMP: It didn't have the mood. It didn't have the temperament. I think Martha was trying to be overly nice and you can't be particularly nice on the show. I was never nice. I was firm and solid and all those things.

KING: You can't be mean though can you? I mean isn't that a thin line?

TRUMP: Well you have moments of meanness. You have moments of love. You have moments of like everything but there was no -- there was no energy on the show. It just didn't have the energy and people didn't like it. You know the bottom line is the ratings went down every week down, down, down. It didn't work.

KING: And why would that have affected you?

TRUMP: Well, I own the show with Mark Burnett and Mark Burnett is a great guy and he's a great friend of mine and I was protecting Mark also because to be honest it wasn't his fault that the show didn't work. The show didn't have the right temperament or mood and the mood is caused by the star.


现在美国最流行的一句话是什么?——你被解雇了!(You are fired!)这句美国人最怕听到的话,现在是风靡全美的电视热门语。也许就是因为最怕听到,所以乐意在电视上看它发生在别人身上。


这台正火爆的节目叫《学徒》(The Apprentice),其构思是,在全美招十二位年轻人,到纽约跟地产大亨唐普(Trump)学徒,分成两组,每集由唐普安排一个经营项目,两队伍中输了的一方由唐普裁决谁负主要责任,然后解雇之———“你被解雇了”就由唐普说出。最后获胜者赢得担任唐普集团一个公司经理一年的机会。




菲兹杰拉尔德说在美国生活中没有第二次机会,其实不对,因为美国人喜欢给落后者加油,也喜欢给摔倒后能爬起来的人加油。唐普就是这样一位曾经不可一世,面临破产,现在又卷土重来的人物。本来他在媒体上的形象不怎么样,他做房地产的张扬,跟老婆的离婚官司的好戏,都是小报冷嘲热讽的题材。可是,他现在不但在商业上卷土重来,而且《学徒》节目还重塑了他的公关形象,出现在节目中的他竟然让人觉得不那么令人讨厌,所以可谓是唐普的又一胜利。而这个节目也成为他的又一商业成功,因为他可不光是出演一个角色,而是对该节目有投资及发言权的。因为首季的成功,这节目已经成了正苦于《老友记》即将落幕没有热门节目跟上的NBC电视台的最新杀手锏,第二季的准备工作已经开始,申请当学徒的报名者成千上万,招募点队伍蜿蜒望不见尽头。Bloomingdale百货商店推出写着“你被解雇了”的T 恤衫,一个钟头就卖出了300件!

