英伦广角 2014-08-23 维基解密网创始人心律失常 英国无视其就医申请(在线收听

 It’s not clear which side is going to prevail, and that’s why we make this moment such an important time.

The WikiLeaks respondent Julian Assenge, he is *seen by the public scene for over a year and *for over two years now has been found in Ecuadorian embassy in London’s * bridge. 
In an effort to convert it into a makeshift bedroom, it’s still unknown * potentially deadly hot tea *and * condition.
* political asylum for the central American country in June, 2012, to avoid extradition to Sweden on charges of alleged sexual assaults.
Britain’s been forced to maintain a police presence around the clock in case Mr. Assenge attempted to flee at the cost of more than 7 million pounds * 
Julian Assange believes that’ll be great to travel to Sweden. He will be extradited to the United States and sentences potentially to 35 years in jail. Religion to his Wikileaks publications, in particular, the thousands of diplomatic and ministry documents leaked by the American solider Chelsea Manning. 
In August, 2012, he appears in the balcony of the embassy to * out of the States to stop * against the whistle blowing of the websites.
I knew there will be witnesses, and that is because of you. If the UK did not throw away the Vietnam conventions of the other nights, it’s because the world was watching. 
And * unsuccessfully * for election in Australian parliament last year, making this spoof election video.
We are not gonna see this darkness. We are not gonna live with the *  
Last month, another appeal to have his last warrent dropped was rejected by Swedish courts.
And with the charges against him lasting until at least 2020, it seems that Julian Assenge could be forced to choose between a handful of tiny rooms in west London or next to the * for the sake of his health.
* , Sky news, central London.