Tom Cruise 畅谈其新片《谍中谍3 》(在线收听

Tom Cruise is back in theatres in Mission Impossible 3, which opens today. Cruise, it seems, is always in the headlines, but he may be about the only one who doesn't read those tabloid stories. He recently sat down with our entertainment contributor People Magazine editor-at-large Jess Cagle, to talk about his new movie, his family, and why he tunes out the rest of the world.

Tom: You live your life, and be a good person, and work hard, and, and do the best you can, and basically that's, that's what I'm doing with my life and. As, you know, ever since you start with actors, you know, the rumors in this and that , I could,I can literally predict what people are going to say, because I have been through it for 25 years. OK? And it's, it's, it is something that, that's a world you live in, for me, I don't even pay attention to it. It, it's like, whatever. It's not even a blip on the radar screen for me, you know, I'm just, and I'm going. You know, that's what I am doing.

Tell me when you get the signal!!
What are you doing?

Cagle: And what Cruise is doing these days is Mission Impossible 3, the latest adventure thrill ride in the franchise, that has already taken in over $1 billion dollars at the box office.

Tom: Well, you know, I didn't, I never looked to try to top myself, I don't know how to do that. I, I really look for what is it, what is it that interests me. Er, I wanted that personal er, side of Ethan and that's why it took me so long to, to make the next one because if, if I, I don't feel like that I can, if it doesn't get, I don't know how's to explain it, the way you go, I want to do this, you know, I am interested in this, I 'm excited by this.

(Ooh, Yeah, yeah)

Tom: I get excited about everything on the movie sets. I really, it's, it's like, er, I feel like a little kid every time I, I get on a movie set, I, I love it. So that's what I'm looking for. What is that buzz? What is that story? You know, and how far, how far can we push the story? How far can we push those scenes?

Cagle: The story in this one is, it's, I don't know exactly what the ri(ght), what the right word is, but, the story in this one is more straightforward. Not quite as intricate as, as the first two movies. Was that on purpose?

Tom: Yeah. It, it absolutely was. I never wanted er, to confuse the audience.

Cagle: Because frankly, I was confused. Not really, but, but I might buy it to see twice for the first one.

Tom: No, but he, yeah, I know, so it confused some people. Er, Mission 1. And er, and at the times of Mission 2, there was a small percentage of the audience. But, really, it is a love story, once we flashed out what will keep, what is about the relationship, would, would a spy goes through? who is Ethan as, as a man. Where is his life like outside the IMF? Can he have a life outside the IMF? And as just right for great drama and conflict.

Cagle: Let's talk about your other project, Suri. (Yes) You said that you knew right away that that was her name, when you saw it in a baby book. Why was it perfect?

Tom: I don't know, it just sounded perfect, I liked the name "Suri", how it came off, er, had a lyrical quality and er, when you see her, you see she is Suri.

Cagle: You also managed to get out of the house, get to the hospital, get back to the house with the baby, while there was a ton of media waiting outside, and they never knew, please tell me how you did that.

Tom: Do you think I'm gonna let anybody mess with my girls?

Cagle: right... It took careful planning, didn't it?

Tom: Do you think I'll let anybody mess with my girls?

Cagle: Right, I got it. Um, what was the, what was the first thing you did when you got Suri home?

Tom: Ah, you know, we just, we were just in lock down, you know, we were still in there, just enjoying, enjoying her, you know, just, just enjoying her.

Cagle: Did you, ah, does it make you laugh, that Brook Shields was down the hall? She said she found it sort of perfectly ironic.

Tom: Yeah, that was wonderful, and I, I, you know, we sent her a gift. I'm really happy for her, really happy for her.

Cagle: What did you send her? Can you say?

Tom: We sent her a basket. You know, we sent her a basket.

Cagle: And how did Connor and Isabella feel about, about Suri?

Tom: Pumped, pumped, she is beautiful.

Cagle: And Katie's Parents? Are they, are they in L.A. now? Did they, when did they come in to meet her?

Tom: They'll be coming in, they'll be coming in next couple of days and everybody is, you know what, we, we're just keeping it really quiet and everybody switches to organize it, everybody is coming in, we're having a great, great family, er, family time, and we are really looking forward to that.

Cagle: While you're having to be on the road, are you, is, is a camera-phone being used a lot?

Tom: Oh, yeah, we have, we've got the Blackberries. But, it's, it's unfortunate, it's only been a couple of days, both, both trips, you know, we are blackberrying and calling each other back and forth, and, er, you know, you just er, you can't imagine how much , how much I miss them.

For the Early Show, Jess Cagle in New York.
