

  1. 同汉语位置相同的短语
  free and easy  轻松自在
  hale and hearty  健壮
  heaven and earth  天地万物
  hustle and bustle  熙熙攘攘
  sweet and sour  酸甜苦乐
  odds and ends  零碎
  old and trial  久经考验
  short and sweet  简短扼要
  stuff and nonsense  胡说八道
  twists and turns  曲折
  ups and downs  盛衰
  2. 同汉语的位置不相同的短语
  bed and breakfast  食宿
  night and day  白昼
  north and south  南北
  twos and threes  三三两两
  mock and satire  讽刺嘲笑
  pin and needle   针毯
  part and parcel  重要部分
  give and take  合作与让步
  fire and water  水火
  flesh and blood  骨肉
  iron and steel  钢铁