
Hey, if you wanna get a raise at work, but you just don't know how to ask, our next guest has some helpful tips on how to boost you pay by helping you negotiate with the boss. With Teeki, he just threatens us. Well, to General Jackson(laugh). Badal joins us right now from San Francisco. Hi Jaclyne, how do we get a raise?

Well, we found in our reporting that there are really five things that you could do. The first step was very helpful, was making sure your boss knew what you are up to. He can't see everything, and you have to make sure you know, he's here contributing to the bottom line.

Well, that could be bragging though.

So you have to shamelessly promote yourself then.

Maybe not shame-free, you don't wanna be obnoxious, but every now and again if you did something that's really noteworthy, let them know (So if you are Teeki), or to get praised from somebody else.

So should you just put together a bunch of clips if you're running the ball, you know, in...into the end zone and just hand it to Tom Coff?

It doesn't work, and Tom doesn't make that decision.

If you can prove it that contributed to the bottom line. He can raise... (laugh)

Hey, Don't overstate your accomplishment. This goes for Teeki too. So don't overdo it, right? No.2.

Right, definitely, cause the boss generally has a data to check up on you and if you lie, you are really gonna lose a lot of credibility on the things that you actually did do well.

Ok, so what you wanna do is you wanna point out some of the things that you've done, but be honest about it, and, and only take credit where credit's due.

That's correct.

And third you say to think ahead. What do you mean by that?

A lot of people procrastinate, that's kind of human nature. And a lot of people forget the things that they've done that are good, so one of the things that we found was that it was really helpful if you kept a diary of the things that you've done that works extraordinary. And then come with review time, you're prepared and you really should be preparing about, you know, three months in advance win your performance tributes.

I don't have a lot of blank pages in my diary thing.

No.4, num, No.4 is my favorite. Play both sides against the middle, get a competing job offer.

Yeah, that's correct, you know, when, we found that one of the fastest ways to raise your salary was actually just to go out in competing job offer. But if you do that, you have to be willing to jump ship but not everybody is.

Alright, then you also say lastly go online. You can research competitive wages for your, eh, particular job at either salary.com, salaryexpert.com or bls.gov, so that's some good advice and hopefully people will check it out.


I think I wanna go to see if the Redskins will take me. (laugh)

Absolutely, Jack, you might not be the best test case (I know), with some great points. Thanks so much for joining us.

Thank you for joining us. We appreciate it.

Thank you very much.
