
Have you ever had a great first date and then never heard from the guy again? Trust me, we've all been there. Hi, I'm Marie Forleo, life coaching author, and I'm gonna share with you three dating mistakes that can be keeping you single.

Here's my first dating mistake: It's believing that a relationship is gonna save you. I'd like to call this my Jerry Maguire school of that's gonna complete me. Do you remember in that movie when Renee Zellweger and Tom Cruise told each other: "You complete me." Well, it was awesome and it's really heart-fluttering on the big screen. But in reality, that kind of mindset can keep you thinking that something outside of yourself is really gonna solve all your problems, a relationship or a special man. In reality, there is nothing that's gonna solve all your problems or make your life better. So if you can start getting into your life and getting really interested and really trust the idea that you're complete as you are, when you show up on that date, you are gonna be a lot more attractive and that guy is gonna really wanna take you home.

Mistake No.2: trotting out those hard stories and complaining. I think you guys know what I'm talking about here. You know when you complain about your ex-boyfriends or your crabby boss or your sloppy roommate. All those are the kind of things that are just gonna say to a guy, 'Listen, all this girl's into is complaining.' and I don't know about you, but I have not heard of a guy saying: "Guess what, I'm not this really hot to complain each other last night." So, when next time you are on a date, really take a look at where your conversation is going to. Are you keeping it interesting? And are you interested in him? Or are you just trotting out all your hard stories from the day or your past? So give this one a try: Keep your attention on this moment, see if you can keep the conversation about what's happening in the restaurant, what's going on with your friends. You don't have to keep it overly positive, but keep it in the now. That will keep your attention off your complaints and that will get your attraction and your irresistible level, up.

Dating mistake No.3: It's dating to find the one instead of dating for fun. Here's what happens: Most people are so interested in trying to figure out whether or not the guy across them is actually gonna be the one? But they are not having a good time. If you are not having a good time, there's no way that you can feel if that person is absolutely gonna be the person for you. So take your attention off for figuring out if you are gonna get down the aisle and see if you can have a good time. Your irresistibility level is gonna shoot up and you're also gonna have a lot more fun on your dates.

For more great tips on dating and relationships, feel free to check out my new book "Make Every Man Want You". You can go to makeeverymanwantyou.com. Thanks so much for clicking on iMag, I'm Marie Forleo.

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