澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-01-12(在线收听

 More than a million people have taken to the streets of Paris in a symbolic demonstration against terrorism.The unity march follows the death of seventeen people over three days of terrorist's violence in France.Dozens of world's leaders linked arms in solidarity with the French government.

We are here to demonstrate,we all stand for the value of democracy and freedom, of free expression and tolerance,But there are something else which is that we in Britain face a very similar threat.a threat of fanatical extremism.and we have to confront that in every way we can.
Indonesian search authorities believe they have found the flight recorders of the Air Asia plane more than two weeks after it went down in the Java Sea.Signals have been detected in two different locations about three kilometers where the part- plane's tail was discovered.
A man has died in police custody in Bowral, in the New South Wales southern Highlands.Police arrested the man after a confrontation at a Mittagong fast food restaurant, shortly before nine O'clock last night.He was taken to Bowral police station but died a short time later.
Anita Ekburg,  became a cinematic legend in the 1960  film "LA DOLCE VITA" has died.Her appearance in Rome's Trevi Fountain is considered one  of the most iconic scenes in movie history.The former Swedish beauty queen was 83.