美联社新闻一分钟 2005-08-22(在线收听

1:The Pope wraps up his final day in Germany with a Mass for a million young people, and announces the Rome Catholic Church's next World Youth Day will be in Sydney, in 2008.

2.Israeli bulldozers work to flatten villas and other structures in Gaza virtually erasing Jewish settlements from the map, 20 out of 21 settlements are cleared.

3.Two passenger buses collide on a main north-south road in Afghanistan killing 20 people ,injuring 27 others, women and children among the victims of the crash.

4. A roadside bomb in southern Afghanistan kills 4 US soldiers and injures 3 others. The second bomb occurred near a US embassy vehicle in Kabul.

5.Another safe landing for the shuttle Discovery, it arrives back at the Kennedy Space Center aboard a specially fitted jumbo jet. The trip began Friday in California where the shuttle landed August 9th.


1. wrap up
2 wrap up wraps up; wrapping up; wrapped up
If you wrap up something such as a job or an agreement, you complete it in a satisfactory way.
NATO defense ministers wrap up their meeting in Brussels today.
Seeing Sticht was keeping him from his golf game, and he hoped they could wrap it up quickly.

2. mass
12 mass masses
Mass is a Christian church ceremony, especially in a Roman Catholic or Orthodox church, during which people eat bread and drink wine in order to remember the last meal of Jesus Christ.
She attended a convent school and went to Mass each day.

3. bulldozer
bulldozer bulldozers
A bulldozer is a large vehicle with a broad metal blade at the front, which is used for knocking down buildings or moving large amounts of earth.

4. villa
villa villas
A villa is a fairly large house, especially one that is used for holidays in Mediterranean countries.
He lives in a secluded five-bedroom luxury villa.

5. virtually
You can use virtually to indicate that something is so nearly true that for most purposes it can be regarded as true.
Virtually all cooking was done over coal-fired ranges.
It would have been virtually impossible to research all the information.
ADV: ADV with group
= almost
