澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-01-16(在线收听

The federal government has dumped plans to cut the rebate for short GP visits by twenty dollars after a political backlash and stiff opposition from doctors. The rebate for consultations for less than ten minutes was due to be cut from the next week. Health Minister Sussan Ley says there will be a new round of consultation about changes to medicare. 
The sister of an Egyptian asylum seeker, believed to be undergoing treatment for swallowing razor blade in Manus Island, says she fears about her brother's life. The man is part of the group protesting against Linksea detention towns in poor conditions. It's believed the 39-year-old man is part of Egypt's minority Christian community and he's fleeing religious persecution. 
Australian motoring groups have welcomed an investigation to regional petrol prices. The consumer watchdog says the gap between country and city fuel prices has tripled to 18 cents later. 
And beaches has been closed in New Castle for a record sixed cosecutive day with a second shark spotted off shore. A 5-meter-grade waters has been alerting off the close since Saturday. It's been described as the biggest region's ever since.