美联社新闻一分钟 2005-09-08(在线收听

1. In New Orleans soldiers coax some Hurricane Katrina holdouts from their homes. All residents in the flooded city are ordered out by force if necessary.

2. President Bush and Justice Sandra Day O'Connor lead the nation's farewell to Chief Justice William Rehnquist at his funeral service.

3. In a harsh report, investigators slam the UN for allowing Iraq's Saddam Hussein to bilk billions of dollars from the Oil-For-Food program.

4. US forces in Iraq rescue an American hostage Roy Hallums while a roadside bomb in southern Iraq kills four American security guards.

5. And fraud charges and a big boycott rally mar Egypt’s first-ever contested presidential vote allowing challengers to Hosni Mubarak.


1. holdout
holdout holdouts
A holdout is someone who refuses to agree or act with other people in a particular situation and by doing so stops the situation from progressing or being resolved. (AM)
France has been the holdout in trying to negotiate an end to the dispute.

2. bilk
bilk bilks bilking bilked
To bilk someone out of something, especially money, means to cheat them out of it. (AM, INFORMAL)
He disappeared in 1980 after being convicted of bilking investors out of $3 million.
= cheat

3. mar
mar mars marring marred
To mar something means to spoil or damage it.
A number of problems marred the smooth running of this event.
That election was marred by massive cheating.
= ruin
