美联社新闻一分钟 2005-09-18(在线收听

1. The Federal Relief Chief questions the timeline set by New Orleans' mayor for allowing residents to return to that flood-ravaged city after Hurricane Katrina.

2.A commuter train derails in Chicago's South Side, killing at least one person and injuring dozens more. No immediate word on a possible cause.

3.Afghan voters are urged to defy Taliban insurgents and powerful warlords by turning out in force for Sunday's landmark parliamentary elections.

4. Germany's chancellor and his top challenger stump for last minute votes on the eve of parliamentary elections in that country this weekend.

5. And in Paris, the Grand Palais reopens after a dozen years of renovation, part of an open house for France's cultural treasures.


1. derail
2 derail derails derailing derailed
If a train is derailed or if it derails, it comes off the track on which it is running.
At least six people were killed and about twenty injured when a train was derailed in an isolated mountain region.
No-one knows why the train derailed.

2. warlord
warlord warlords
If you describe a leader of a country or organization as a warlord, you are critical of them because they have achieved power by behaving in an aggressive and violent way.
He had been a dictator and a warlord who had oppressed and degraded the people of the South.
...a drug warlord.
N-COUNT disapproval

3. stump
5 stump stumps stumping stumped
If politicians stump the country or stump for a candidate, they travel around making campaign speeches before an election. (mainly AM)
When candidates went stumping around the country, people traveled for miles on foot, by horse, by carriage to hear them speak.
He was in Georgia stumping for Senator Wyche Fowler, a Democrat.
