美联社新闻一分钟 2005-09-22(在线收听

1. As many as a million people along the Gulf Coast are ordered to evacuate as Hurricane Rita plows across the Gulf of Mexico.

2. Rita could pummel Texas and bring more misery to New Orleans as so far residents there are rushing to leave their already ravaged city.

3. Hundreds of Iraqis in the Southern city of Basra protest what they called "British aggression" in the recent rescue of two British soldiers.

4. The US presses its case of the UN’s Nuclear Watchdog Agency to haul Iran before the Security Council over Tehran's nuclear activities.

5. And Indonesia plans a mass chicken slaughter amid fears of a bird flu epidemic after more children suspected of having the disease die.


1. pummel
pummel pummels pummelling pummelled
If you pummel someone or something, you hit them many times using your fists.
He trapped Conn in a corner and pummeled him ferociously for thirty seconds.
VB (AM) pummeling, pummeled

2. haul
2 haul hauls hauling hauled
If someone is hauled before a court or someone in authority, they are made to appear before them because they are accused of having done something wrong.
She was hauled before magistrates for refusing to reveal her age to a policeman.
He was hauled before the managing director and fired.
VB: usu passive
