澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-02-03(在线收听

 Tony Abbott's leadership will come under the spotlight again today when Federal Cabinet meets in Canberra. Sydney ministers have been defending the Prime Minister but that hasn't stopped talk of a leadership change. Reports have emerged this morning that Mr. Abbott asked the Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and ... for insurances that they won't challenge. But Julie Bishop declined to make that promise. Mr. Abbott has refused to comment on the report.                                                    

I think people find all that inside Canberra staff so boring, so absolutely and utterly boring. And what they are looking for is politicians who are not endlessly .... and not finding amongst themselves but are getting on with the government of this country. That's what we're determined to be.
But Northern Territory's Chief Minister Adem Giles has been dumped in a late night coup. He's been replaced by the member of the Katherine, Willem Westra van Holthe. Mr. Giles lost the leadership ballet by 8 votes to 6.
Australian journalist Peter Graster says he's relieved to be free but he's still concerned about his 2 Algeria colleagues who are behind bars in Egypt. Mr. Graster has spoken publicly for the first time since he's released from Egyptian jail yesterday.
And there are growing expectations the Reserve Bank could cut interest rates today when they meet for the first time this year. But most economic survey by Bloomberg still believe the official rate will remain at 2.5% where it's been for the last 18 months.