美联社新闻一分钟 2005-11-26(在线收听

1. Bargain hunters [/b]crowd stores, seeking deals and items from cashmere to flat-screen TVs, as a holiday shopping season officially begins.

2.With fanfare, Palestinians open the Gaza-Egypt border, taking control of the frontier crossing without Israeli
veto powers for the first time.

3. In Iraq, Sunnis protest the slaying of a tribal leader, while an Internet statement claims a deadly car bombing was
retaliation for his killing.

4. "Anti-war mom" Cindy Sheehan, who lost her son in Iraq, returns to Crawford, Texas, to resume her protest near President Bush's ranch.

5. And actor Pat Morita ,who played Mr. Miyagi in the "Karate Kid”movies and Arnold on TV's “Happy Days”, dies of natural causes at 73.


1. bargain hunter:
买便宜货的人, 投机商人, 杀价购买股票的投机商.

2. cashmere:
开士米,山羊绒 和 kashmir (克什米尔) 发音相同,只是重音位置不同,注意区分一下.

3. fanfare:
1 [C] a short loud piece of music played on a trumpet to introduce an important person or event:
2 [U] a lot of activity, advertising, or discussion relating to an event: --The deal was announced with much fanfare.

4. veto power:

5. retaliation:
action against someone who has done something bad to you. = revenge/ in retaliation (for something)
This action was undoubtedly in retaliation for last week's bomb attack. retaliation against// The threat of massive retaliation against British troops.
