美联社新闻一分钟 2005-12-06(在线收听

1. Saddam Hussein tells the judge at his trial he is not afraid of execution as a witness testifies the former president's agents carried out random arrests, torture and killings.

2. The former September 11th Commission gives dismal grades to Federal efforts to shore up national security and prevent another terror attack on the United States.

3. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice turns the tables on European critics of US anti-terror tactics, saying the CIA has thwarted attacks in Europe.

4. A Palestinian suicide bomber blows himself up at a shopping mall in the Israeli town of Netanya, killing at least five shoppers, wounding more than 30.

5. And hundreds of Santas hit the slopes in Maine, to raise money for a charity drive to purchase holiday gifts for needy children.


1. dismal
1 dismal
Something that is dismal is bad in a sad or depressing way.
...Israel's dismal record in the Olympics...
My prospects of returning to a suitable job are dismal.
It was a dismal failure.
= terrible

2. shore up
shore up shores up; shoring up; shored up
If you shore up something that is weak or about to fail, you do something in order to strengthen it or support it.
The democracies of the West may find it hard to shore up their defences.

3. turn the tables(answers.com)
Reverse a situation and gain the upper hand; This expression alludes to the former practice of reversing the table or board in games such as chess, thereby switching the opponents' positions.

Steffi won their previous three matches but today Mary turned the tables and prevailed.

Synonym: turn the tide

4. thwart
thwart thwarts thwarting thwarted
If you thwart someone or thwart their plans, you prevent them from doing or getting what they want.
The security forces were doing all they could to thwart terrorists.
Her ambition to become an artist was thwarted by failing eyesight.

5. Santa Claus
Santa Claus
Santa Claus or Santa is an imaginary old man with a long white beard and a red coat. Traditionally, young children in many countries are told that he brings their Christmas presents.
= Father Christmas

6. drive
17 drive
A drive is a special effort made by a group of people for a particular purpose.
The ANC is about to launch a nationwide recruitment drive.
The Church in Haiti has played an important role in the drive towards democracy.
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