美联社新闻一分钟 2005-12-24(在线收听

1. In Iraq, Defense Secretary Rumsfeld announces the first of what's likely to be a series of reductions in US troop levels there in the coming year.

2. Protesters gather across Iraq to denounce the recent parliamentary elections, calling them rigged in favor of the country's main religious Shiite coalition.

3. Subways and buses rumble back to life in New York City for the first time since a three-day strike shut down the nation's largest mass transit system.

4. In South Korea, a stem-cell researcher quits his university post amid accusations he fabricated research that had raised hopes of new cures for diseases.

5. And Muslims during Friday prayers in Indonesia's tsunami-ravaged Banda Aceh Province, remember those killed in the disaster a year ago next week.


1. rigged
adj.作弊的, 非法操纵的

2. rumble
rumble rumbles rumbling rumbled
If a vehicle rumbles somewhere, it moves slowly forward while making a low continuous noise.
A bus rumbled along the road at the top of the path.
A line of tractors rumbled onto the motorway through a cordon of police.
The air reeked of kerosene and huge aircraft rumbled overhead.

3. fabricate
vt.制作, 构成, 捏造, 伪造, 虚构
1 to invent a story, piece of information etc in order to deceive someone:  --The police were accused of fabricating evidence .
2 technical to make or produce goods or equipment: = manufacture
 --The discs are expensive to fabricate.
